This month I was contacted by a company Patience Brewster asking if I would be willing to write about an artist that has inspired me. I had to give this a little thought because over time there have been many photographers and artists whose work I admire. After some reflection I narrowed it down to my most inspiring, Ansel Adams and Chris Orwing. Without a doubt these two photographers have the most impact on my work.
I still remember in high school when I saw Ansel Adams's work for the first time. I was particularly amazed by his photo of Half Dome in Yosemite. I remember seeing the beauty of that photo and feeling right then and there that this is what I would like to strive for. I try to imagine him and what he would do whenever I am shooting and editing landscape pictures.
The second photographer is Chris Orwing. I came across his work during a troublesome time in my life. I was recovering from back surgery and was given a book by him entitled “
Visual Poetry: A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs“. H e captures his subjects in such a natural and beautiful way. Since reading that book I have tried to use his inspiration in all of my portrait shots. He also has an outlook on photography and art that is very unique and was uplifting during my recovery.
These two photographers have had a huge impact on my photography but any list of people who have inspired and motivated me has to include my wife and parents. They are not artist per se but without their constant support and encouragement I wouldn't be who I am today as a photographer and person.
Who has inspired you in your life? Feel free to leave me a comment below and let me know.