KO Photography
Changes to KO Photography
I would like to update my followers that there has been some changes again to my website and business. Life has blessed me three years ago with my first born and now this March I have another child on the way. I have made the decision to focus on family and take a slight step back from photography. With that being said I made the decision to cancel my website www.k-ophotography.com and I am no longer taking on wedding photography as well as being selective on all other clients. My work will mostly be personal projects for now and making sure I document my kids growing up. I will continue to use this blog as a main way to showcase my work from here on out. With that being said you might see some broken links/pictures on this blog. If I get sometime I might update that all so everyone can still see the photography I have posted in the past on here. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your support. Thank you once again!
Changes to KO Photography
This month I thought I'd let everyone know of some recent changes to my website. Come check out my new web design HERE. Also I have made the choice of putting all my efforts to photographing just Portrait and my Fine Art Photography. Which means I will no longer be photographing weddings. This was a difficult but needed change to my business because as many of you know I am now a father and taking on weddings limits the amount of time allowed with my family. I do want to thank all the people that have trusted me in the past with their special day and every wedding I photographed holds a special places in my heart. Thank you all as always for your continued support.
7 Day Challenge
In March I took part in a 7 day/7 photos #NatureChallenge. It was a great way to get me taking pictures and thinking about what I wanted to do with just one photo. I also made it a little harder on myself since I apparently had to do it when Northern California was in a middle of a storm. So I had to come up with more abstract ways of taking photo's of nature. Below are just a few of these photo's all taken with my iPhone 4.

Point Reyes Lighthouse
Recently my family and I took a trip to Point Reyes to check out the lighthouse. It was a prefect day out there, we couldn't have asked for better weather. We had a great time checking out the light house and also got to see some elephants seals as well. Below are some of the shots I got check them out and also always feel free to leave a comment below.
Another year down
It's hard to believe I have been doing this blog for three years now. The blog has bounced around from posting helpful tips to just random posts. Though one thing it continues to do is provide my viewers a look at person behind the lens. My hope is that no matter what I post everyone is enjoying it regardless. I look forward to 2016 and what type of blogs I have in store for the viewers. Here's to another year of blogging.
As I like to do after every year here are some of the top blog post for this year:
My top 3 favorite blogs
1) "Artist Who Inspire" Click here to see it
2) "Keeping Tradition Alive" Click here to see it
3) "Changing Perspective" Click here to see it
Most viewed blog
Leave me a comment below and tell me what your favorite blog for 2015 has been. Thank you for you continuing support!
Changing perspective
When taking photographs,sometimes a change of perspective can turn a decent photo into a great one. It can be as simple as kneeling down to shoot a tree to get a low prespective of it. Or it can be as creative as making an object slightly out of focus to make a photo more abstract. For me though, the biggest change of perspective in my photographic approach happened on November21, 2013 when my son was born. He is turning two this month and I can't help but be amazed how much of his life I have been able to document. My photography used to consist of hundreds of photos of landscape around the Bay Area. My focus now however is on my son. I love that I get to capture him just being a kid and get some great images doing so. I can only hope that when he grows up heappreciates the photos I have of him both now and in the future. I love him very much and he's been the best change of perspective in my life as well as in my photography career.
The Lost Images
Sometimes I find that I get to wrapped up in what I want to write for my blog post and I forget that this is to show my photography adventures. So for this month I thought I would do just that and show of some images for a trip of mine that I took with my family about two months ago to Tahoe. These photo's tend to get lost in the shuffle because they get buried with the thousand of images I take of my son. I hope you enjoy them and as always feel free to leave me a comment below.

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